We are excited to share about our first Fall Fest and Turkey Trot Day at LWES. Our First Annual Fall Fest and Turkey Trot Day will be Monday, October 30th. There will not be a rain date for this event. If we cannot do the Turkey Trot, it will be done in PE classes after October 30th. In order to make the day a success, we will need a lot of help. Volunteers are needed to help supervise the Turkey Trot and ensure students are traveling safely around the upper field as they run/walk the Turkey Trot. Winners of the Turkey Trot will receive a turkey. (Families will be contacted to receive the turkey.) All students will have the opportunity to bring home a pie for their participation. In the past, we have been able to have families visit and watch the outdoor activities. Under HCPSS guidelines, spectators or visitors are not permitted during the school day. If you wish to see your child participate in the Turkey Trot, you will need to sign up to volunteer by completing the form below. Younger siblings or other school aged siblings will NOT be allowed to attend with you. Only family members who are 18 and over will be allowed to volunteer. All volunteers will need to go through the HCPSS volunteer training which can be found online at https://www.hcpss.org/parents/volunteer-information/.
Please click this link to volunteer - https://forms.gle/H23r5889yDbYLnRk6