We wanted to make you aware of the upcoming Fall Parent/Teacher conferences for this school year. There will be an in-person option and a virtual option for conferences. The LWES staff is looking forward to meeting with you during the conference window. Each conference will be 20 minutes in length. We will conduct conferences during the following times:
Monday, November 25 (in-person only): 12:40–4:00 PM and 5:00-6:40 PM
Tuesday, November 26 (virtual only): 12:40–4:00 PM and 5:00-6:40 PM
During the fall conferences, families are asked to schedule a conference with their child’s language arts teacher. Math conferences will be offered during the February conference time frame. If you wish to have a conference with any of our related arts teachers, we have some available slots. Please note that these slots are for families who are having concerns related to related arts classes. As always, if you have additional concerns, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher to schedule another time to talk outside of the conference window.
Families will need to schedule their own conference(s) using the Synergy student information system. To access this program, please click on the HCPSS Connect Login Link on the HCPSS website. This program is easy to use and can be accessed at your convenience beginning Monday, November 11th and ending Thursday, November 21st. If you schedule a virtual conference, the google link code for your scheduled conference will be sent to you with your confirmation email. Here are the directions on how to schedule your parent/teacher conference.
Directions to Select a Conference Time:
Login to hcpss.org/connect.
Select Conference from the left-side choices.
Select Parent Scheduled Conferences at the top right.
Select a time slot for your conference.
Here are some helpful tips to get the most out of your scheduled conference time with the staff:
Be on time for your conference, as they are only 20 minutes in length. Staff will not be able to give you additional time past your scheduled 20 minutes.
Once you enter the google link, you will be put in a “holding space” until the teacher admits you. Since many conferences will be back-to-back, please only log on one minute before your designated time.
If you have technology challenges, please feel free to call the front office, and we can assist you with troubleshooting.
Be familiar with your child’s first quarter report card grades.
Have questions ready for your child’s teacher related to the appropriate content area.