We wanted to make you aware of arrival and dismissal changes that may take place during the winter months during inclement weather times only. We will send out messages when these patterns change to help with the safety of all of our students as they enter and exit the building. We will revert back to normal procedures when it is safe to do so. Here are the changes that will take place given the impact of weather on our blacktop for JANUARY 25th:
**Students and families should not arrive to LWES prior to 9:07 a.m. tomorrow and Friday to give staff opportunity to get into the parking lot safely!!**
Our normal carloop is not accessible due to the amount of ice that is on the bottom of the road.
We will use the lower parking lot for our carloop.
Cars will stay in the middle of the loop and go to the stop sign. Students will be let out by a staff member and direct you out of the school exit. DO NOT let students out without a staff member opening the vehicle door for them.
Students will walk up the sidewalk and cross the crosswalk and go to their designated areas listed below.
PM Carloop will follow similar procedures as above unless the access road is safe to travel.
Please do not open the gates to the carloop access road and park on the access road.
ALL Students will line up in the front of the building.
RECC and PreK will follow normal procedures.
Kindergarten, First, and Second graders will be lining up in the front of the building near the main doors. There will be cones with grades placed on them to help with the organization of students. (Ms. Cordova’s and Mrs. Peregoy’s class will follow normal procedures.)
Third and Fourth graders will be lining up in the front of the building near the third and fourth grade classroom doors (where they exit the building).
Fifth graders will line up on the sidewalk near the portable.
ALL Students will be dismissed from the front of the building.
RECC and PreK will follow normal procedures.
Kindergarten, First, and Second graders will be exiting out the main doors and stand in the same lines as they entered. Remember to make a connection with your child’s teacher before taking your child, such as eye contact, toe taps, etc. (Ms. Cordova’s and Mrs. Peregoy’s class will follow normal procedures.)
Third and Fourth graders will follow normal procedures (exiting out their grade level doors).
Fifth graders will exit on the sidewalk near the portable.