Picture Day - April 14th

Fri, 04/09/2021 - 12:37pm

Laurel Woods will be offering pictures next week on April 14th.  Pictures that are taken will be used for the yearbook.   Please note that you do not have to order pictures in order to get your child’s picture taken.  Pictures will be taken for students that are interested and have pre-registered on Sign Up Genius below.


This link allows families to schedule an appointment for a child(ren) to have his/her picture taken at LWES.  Only students who have completed the Sign Up Genius and registered for pictures online will be able to be photographed. *With the exception of students who normally attend school in-person on Wednesdays.  

To purchase pictures, here is the link - https://strawbridge.fotomerchanthv.com/clients/laurel-woods-elementary-school/fall-pictures-10-6-2020-15/access

Things to Know Before Coming to School for Picture Day 

  • Masks are required when approaching and entering the school building. 

  • Appointment times are scheduled throughout the day.  Please be sure to arrive on time for your scheduled appointment.  

  • Please DO NOT come to the front of the school building.  Families will enter the small gym from the back door and exit from the front door of the small gym.  

  • Students who are scheduled to attend school in-person on Wednesday, April 14th will be photographed.  Families can decide if you would like to order pictures. You will receive picture ordering information via email.  

  • Parking is available in the LWES school parking lot, as well as in the parking lot at the top of the hill.  (You can use the access car loop road to get to this additional parking.)

  • In the event, you need to wait for an appointment to complete, please make sure you are waiting 6 feet apart from others with a mask on.